среда, 4 марта 2009 г.

Heart Of Family

Is a parent the heart of the family or is a child the heart of the family? Family matters are crucial to our lifestyles and we often become a bit confused about where the family should center its focus. Parents, who are just people who had children and either do a very good job or not so much, have the right to a life outside of the family. Children, on the other hand, need constant guidance and the need to know who is in charge. Would you hand over your car keys, your business keys, and your house keys to your child and force them to run the ship for a little while? Most likely not so much. But you would like them to become a functional member of society while representing you well. That’s rather typical of parental behavior.

What happens when a son or a daughter is not only unruly about the potential for parental interference, but becomes the center of the family attention that needs to be spread throughout the rest of the children. This is usually the result of some rather unappreciated behavior. Kids need guidance and they certainly need their issues dealt with, but kids need the parent to be the heart of the family. They need to know that there will be someone there to help pick up the pieces at the end of the day, or the month, when their life experience has left them heart broken and in search of security. A parent that is the heart of the family can offer that to their child.